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Model: WB:216021


Going out of town? Don't rely on out-of-date feeding blocks when you can use the AquaChef. It's easy to give your fish up to eight feedings a day of flake, pellet, or crumbled food. Schedule single feedings for up to four different times, use the double-feeding feature to make any of those four two feedings, sixty seconds apart, or manually override the settings if you decide to give one more feeding yourself. The AquaChef also has an adjustable hatch to control the amount of food fed and to serve as a mixing stir bar to make sure the food isn't clumped, just like you would. The moisture-resistant hopper is easy to clean and fill. Why let your fish starve when they can have their very own AquaChef?

Model: WB:216517


Make sure your fish are getting fed when you're away from home with this automatic feeder. Eight customizable settings and a high capacity drum for dry foods like flakes or pellets means you can give your fish the same variety and feeding schedule that they are used to without the risk of overfeeding or starvation. Let your fish enjoy your vacation as much as you do.
